Warlords 2 Old Dos Game
One of my favorite games ever. Torrent Expendables Dvdrip. Truly compelling turn-based strategy game with a simple design - much better than the more complicated version Warlords III which had suddenly lost a lot of the charm that came with simplicity. By some strange magic the Internet Archive has managed to make the save game feature work (as long as you're using the same PC), and I haven't experienced any of the mouse problems mentined by others in their reviews. I'm playing the game in a Chrome browser on a Windows 8 computer.
My only problem with this game is that it's quite addictive. BTW I remember the Deluxe version from back in the day, where you could design your own maps for the game. Having that in the Archive would be great, provided that we'd be able to save the maps we had created.
Feb 02, 2013 Gameplay presents 'Warlords 2 Deluxe'. Free Sosa Arabic Font For Autocad Download Programs. Warlords 2 Deluxe DOS - Gameplay Max. The updated version of the game — Warlords II Deluxe — was released.