Download Imandix Cover Professional Free Software Programs Online
April 13, 2008 by I recently discovered a very neat program that we’ve begun using on one of my hobby sites. Automatically converts any image into a 3D preview of what it would look like as the cover of a CD or DVD case. Our Web site is devoted to compiling feature-packed collections of various free software for the Sega Dreamcast. We generally like to provide cover artwork to go along with the disc images. We now use IMANDIX Cover Pro to show our users exactly what the CD cases would look like if they were to download the cover art and print it themselves. I could easily see musical artists using this program to generate 3D images of their CDs, and I could also see software developers using these features in place of the standard “fake box” that a lot of developers have been creating.
In addition to generating a 3D image preview, which you can adjust to virtually any angle you choose, IMANDIX is also capable of generating a javascript-driven, interactive presentation of the disc case, so that your visitors can rotate the image themselves to see what it looks like from all sides. You can download the full-featured trial version (which places the watermark you see in the example above on all of your creations) from the. Runescape Private Servers.
Imandix Cover Pro v0.9.3.1 Portable adalah sebuah program yang di rancang kusus untuk membuat COVER sebuah produk atau label. Dengan menggunakan Imandix Cover Pro v0.9.3.1 Portable anda bisa lebih cepat dalam mengerjakan proyek ataupun tugas. Program ini juga biasa di gunakan para desainer karena cepat dan mudah di gunakan. Games For Pc Counter Strike Extreme. Catatan: Sebagian anti virus mendeteksi crack, patch adalah sebagai virus untuk dapat menggunakannya silahkan nonaktifkan anti virusnya dahulu.Disini saya hanya berbagi saja, SAYA tidak bertanggung jawab bila terjadi kerusakan kesalahan dikarenakan software atau progam dsb, semua menjadi tanggung jawab anda sendiri Untuk langganan Artikel silahkan Masukkan email anda kemudian cek inbox DILARANG MENG COPY PASTE SEMUA ISI ARTIKEL TANPA ADA IZIN TETULIS DAN TANPA MENYERTAKAN LINK SUMBERNYA!! Artikel Terkait image editor. Free Software Programs Online. Download IMANDIX Cover Professional for. Cover Professional Full version downloads.