Elige Tu Propia Aventura Epub To Mobi

Elige Tu Propia Aventura PdfElige Tu Propia Aventura Epub To Mobi

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Author by: Eto, Hajime Language: en Publisher by: IGI Global Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 89 Total Download: 623 File Size: 54,5 Mb Description: Responding to the dual pressures of globalization and economic downturn, communities across the world formerly driven by agriculture and industry are increasingly turning toward tourism as an economic mainstay. In order for industry leaders to compete with the efforts of competitors and savvy marketers, new business models must be defined which allow for the incorporation of e-tourism tools and expansion into the global marketplace. New Business Opportunities in the Growing E-Tourism Industry offers case studies and research that highlights the impact of globalization on travel and tourism and offers solutions to potential problems. Targeting an audience of researchers and business professionals, this volume brings together a diverse international body of scholars and researchers to provide a holistic perspective of future developments in the e-tourism industry.

This volume compiles the research and perspectives of researchers and industry professionals, uniting a variety of topics including medical tourism, traffic-management, route-planning, virtual museums, digital spot-hunting via film-mosaic, and tourism for the elderly and disabled. Author by: Source Wikia Language: es Publisher by: Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 33 Total Download: 617 File Size: 42,6 Mb Description: Source: Wikia. Chapters: Atrapado en el tiempo.

Excerpt: Esta novela es un experimento. La idea es crear un relato t pico de elige tu propia aventura pero para la web.

Todos pod is editar o crear nuevas p ginas con nuevas tramas para la historia. O navegar y disfrutar de lo que otros ya han escrito. Puedes visitar la p gina de los autores y un rtenos. Tennis Titans Full Version For more. Tambi n puedes echarle una hojeada al historial de Cambios Recientes de Atrapado en el tiempo. Las opciones a elegir de cada parte del relato siguen una estructura anidada, y es muy importante escribirlas siguiendo el siguiente esquema: ==Aqu un Titulo para este giro del relato==Aqu el texto de lo que ocurre.*]*]*].}En cuanto a la tem tica no hay ning n tipo de restricciones. Inicialmente, el relato trata sobre el descubrimiento de una m quina en el tiempo, pero una vez atravesada la m quina la trama puede dar los giros que desee el escritor de cada trozo.