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Update: It looks like “Music Sales” company has asserted copyright on all these videos and blocked them from YouTube. Medical Lab Technician Programs In Michigan. So if you’re interested in the old, I would suggest searching YouTube or clicking the links to view the original DVDs. Fresh uploads are bound to be posted sooner or later. Remember the 80’s? No, well how about the 90’s? Well, learning guitar back then was different.

No tablature websites, no ‘how to’ videos online, and no Skype lessons. Mario Kart Wii Ultimate Item Wheel Hack more. You had to get lessons one-on-one at the local music store. And if you wanted to learn a song, you played it over and over again from cassette tape (or later CD’s) and strained to hear what they were doing. If you were like most guitar students, you also probably watched instructional videos on VHS to learn from the great players. The “” series of instructional videos by were the most popular of these video series. Great rock, jazz, and country guitar players would record an hour or more of lessons, describing how they played their ‘licks’. Cruising through YouTube recently, I realized that a lot of these 80’s and 90’s instructional videos have been uploaded to the 21st century.