The Sims 2 Pc Twins Cheat

Okay, I'm playing sims 2 on a mac. I have for a few months now. The only cheat I used to use is motherlode.but I've started experimenting with other cheats recently. The Sims 2 (PC) Cheats. The Sims 2 cheats, Codes, Passwords, Easter Eggs, Glitchs, Unlockables, Tips, and Codes for PC. To make him/her have twins.

The Sims 2 Pc Twins Cheat

Aug 17th 2013 Guest Jesus! We're not lying about codes. Go into your game, get your sim pregnant, hold ctrl+shift+c and type in 'forcetwins' EXACTLY LIKE THAT WITHOUT THE 's IT'S NOT HARD!! Forcetwins NO SPACES NO CAPITALS JUST HOW IT IS!

For it to work you need to have boolProp enabled and to do that you have to hold ctrl+shift+c and type 'boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true' EXACTLY LIKE THAT WITHOUT THE 's WHEREVER THERE'S A CAPITAL LETTER DON'T FORGET IT! Put a space wherever Isis but no where else that I haven't just follow this I have PERSONALLY been a test subject for this and it works perfectly on my Sims and my 2 brothers. My brothers have nearly all expansion packs I ony have nightlife but this works on my sisters laptop too and she has NO packs. Belajar Hipnoterapi Pdf here.


Feb 6th 2012 Guest Hey everyone I'm not entirely sure if any of your suggestions work. Personally any time ive typed anything that has to do with boolprop it doesnt work, and ive tried it in multiple things in different ways and it still wont work for me. However, i think that if u always rub and talk to the womans belly and have lots of intercourse with her, i think shell give a natural birth to twins. It happened for me. Hope it works for whoever is feeling hopeless and reading my suggestion!lolz.

Jan 3rd 2012 Guest first of all you press shift+ctrl+C and type in 'boolprop testingcheatsenabled true' no caps this lets you pull your sims stats up and make their skills go up also then to have twins you press shift and click on ur pregnate sim and click more and click debug-force twins to have twins. The cheese cake doesnt work at all ive been playing this game for 3 years and that one has never worked for me. Manuel For Waltham Air Con Model Kyd-25/xc. Hope this helps you out and also u can shift and click on a newspaper to get the career awards.